Board of Directors


Board Chair

 Gerry Noel

Vice Chair

 Laurie Stilling


Terry Ollenberger

Kevin Krall

Francis Cloutier

Roger Guerette

Justin Gour


East Peace Gas Co-op Ltd operates under the direction of seven board members.  The directors are elected on a rotating basis for a three year term and are responsible for the implementation of policies and procedures in the operation of the co-op.  Board meetings are held monthly on the last Monday of each month, and an annual meeting is held in March of each year.  Members are encouraged to voice their opinions and concerns to the co-op manager.  

As well members are encouraged to attend the annual meetings. Written nominations for a Director position must be received by the Gas Co-op office ten (10) days prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be considered for the election.  Supporting nomination signatures shall be from the zone for which the member is seeking to be elected.  In the absence of eligible nominations having been received ten (10) or more days prior to the AGM, nominations will be permitted from the floor.  The said nomination forms will be made available during regular office hours from the East Peace Gas Co-op office upon member request or download nomination form. 

Nomination Forms in pdf.pdf